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Project Overview

The Organization of Hindu Malayalees (OHM) is a cultural organization based out of Southern California that was formed to help support, develop, and promote the culture of the state of Kerala, India. They were interested in updating their website to have a much more modern look that will be appealing to a new generation of the Kerala diaspora. The website is being developed in Squarespace.

I served as a UX Designer for this project, conducting stakeholder interviews, creating a sitemap, developing wireframes, and providing direction and a timeline for the project. The project is still in progress and the website development team meets regularly for updates and to discuss future work for the site, but you can visit it here.


During initial meetings I gathered site requirements from the stakeholders as well as examined the current site for its features. Speaking as a potential user, I also proposed and advocated for website features that will foster education for first and second generation diaspora youth. I combined these features into a sitemap, colored based on priority. The website development team wanted to have a MVP as soon as possible, therefore pages had to be sorted by development priority - key features being the homepage, events page, and membership page. Lower on the priority list was the board page, partnered organization page, and gallery page. After that the next target would be the Who We Are (about) page. The lowest priority section of the website, and the one that would take the most time to develop and gather information for, was the youth section. This was the part of the website that I advocated for, with information regarding the history of Kerala, the holidays of Kerala, the culture of Kerala, Kerala recipes, Malayalam language lessons, and places to see in Kerala.


Using the sitemap and meeting notes, I created wireframes to pass to the developer. I created wireframes for the homepage, Who We Are (about) page, youth page (main one), partnered organizations page, board page, and membership page. For the events page I provided the developer a reference image for an events page we should emulate. 

Logo Redesign

A huge motivator for the organization in updating their website was to modernize it. This included updating their logo to fit with current design trends. I created this logo which is a combination of the letters 'O', 'H', and 'M' in the shape of an ohm symbol and with the colors of the Indian flag. This logo redesign is sleek while also reflecting the spirit of the organization.


The website is still in active development but the live site is up.  The website is being developed using Squarespace.

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